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Meditation, Perception, Attention 

In order to start your transformation you need to know where you are. It works just like a GPS. You need to put in all the dates of the origin and also where you are going. Once you have those information, your mind becomes clear and focused.

You develop this skill through meditation, that quiets your mind, perception, that makes you see yourself in this moment of your life and attention, that is clearing your focus.

Already after learning to use this skills, you will feel ready and empowered to make the change that you want.



Affirmations are things that you say and you turn them into your personal truth. You make affirmations all day, without realising that you are creating your mental atmosphere. It is a bit like ABRACADABRA (which means ‘I create as i speak).

This tool will help you deal with your negative feelings, thoughts and situations.

Using affirmations, you are changing your limited beliefs that no longer serve your wellbeing . You have learned  them from others and from your life experience, and now it’s time to dissolve them and crete new ones that will serve you better.

This tool might look simplistic and you might feel like it won’t change anything at first, but it is scientifically proven that positive thinking can rewire your brain connections, changing the way you feel about things.


Pottery Workshop



Visualisation is a process of creating metal images that will help you in the process. By using this tool, you will understand better how you feel about your life and your goals. Your subconscious mind doesn’t make the difference between imagination and reality. So by visualisation, you will understand how important is to imagine good things happening, rather then scare yourself and anything that sabotages your existence.

Through visualisation, you will understand how to achieve your goals, how to mould the clay into whatever you dream 



This tool works on many levels over our body. When inhaled, the molecules of essential oils (and anything that you smell) travel through the olfactory nerves directly to the brain, affecting the hippocampus and the amygdala, which are responsible with your memories and feelings. That is why essential oils can be so powerful! They are alleviating fatigue, memory problems, behaviour symptoms and stress.

They have antioxidant, anti inflammatory, antiparasitic, anticancer, antifungal, antiviral, anti-aging and neuroprotective  properties.

I used them for massage, meditation and also to alleviate symptoms of physical discomfort or mental state.

As the oils i used have 100% therapeutical grade, they are safe and have no side effects.

Here is a scientific article about essential oils, if you want to know more.





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